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An interesting challenge from repeat clients in Canterbury in Kent - to create a long length of short railings and a gate to compliment their arrangement of railway sleepers. My idea utilized flat steels folded in and out of each other in a way that created a staggered height to mimic the sleepers and a 3D effect for depth. I also made a gate for them in the same style.
Folded steel railing by Joel Tarr artist blacksmith
Modern blacksmith ironwork
Folded steel railing by Joel Tarr artist blacksmith
Modern blacksmith ironwork
Folded steel railing by Joel Tarr artist blacksmith
Modern blacksmith ironwork
Folded steel gate by Joel Tarr artist blacksmith
Modern blacksmith ironwork
Folded steel gate by Joel Tarr artist blacksmith
Modern blacksmith ironwork
Folded steel gate by Joel Tarr artist blacksmith
Modern blacksmith ironwork
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